Newton’s work in the field. A bitter dispute follows. As
president of the organization, Newton requests an
investigation, then anonymously writes the society’s official
stance stating that Newton is the true inventor.
1713 lJAKOB BERNOULLI’s book Ars conjectandiis published, eight
years after his death, stating the properties of the Bernoulli
lROGER COTEScompletes his work editing Newton’s second
edition of Principia.
1714 lGABRIEL DANIEL FAHRENHEITinvents the first mercury
1724 lFahrenheit introduces a new temperature scale to measure
the freezing and boiling points of liquids in his mercury
thermometer, called the Fahrenheit scale.
1727 lEuler introduces the symbol eto represent the BASEof
natural logs.
1734 lFrench scientist Pierre Bouguer introduces the symbols for
“greater than or equal to” and “less than or equal to.”
lEuler invents f(x)as the notation of a function.
1742 lGABRIEL CRAMERpublishes Johann Bernoulli’s Complete
Worksin a four-volume set. Bernoulli insisted that the work
could only be published by Cramer.
lANDERS CELSIUSdevelops the centigrade scale, also called
the Celsius scale, to measure temperature.
lCHRISTIAN GOLDBACHwrites a letter to Euler in which he
states his CONJECTUREthat every even INTEGERgreater than
two is the SUMof two primes. This becomes known as
Goldbach’s Conjecture, and will remain one of the greatest
unproved mathematical problems of all time.
1744 lJakob Bernoulli’s Worksis published by Gabriel Cramer.
This two-volume set includes material that was previously
CHRONOLOGY 1713 – 1744
CHRONOLOGY 1713 – 1744