The Facts On File Algebra Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

CHARTS & TABLES Properties and Theorems

CHARTS & TABLES Properties and Theorems

Properties and Theorems
1/nexponent theorem
If x≥ 0
x1/nis the nthroot of x
Addition of Fractions
If c≠ 0

  • b
    ——a +b—
    Addition of Like Terms
    ac+bc= (a+b)c
    Additive Identity Property
    0 +a=a
    a+ 0 =a
    Additive Inverse Property
    a+ –a= –a+a= 0
    Additive Property of Equality
    If a=b
    then a+c=b+c
    and c+a=c+b
    If a=b,and c=d
    then a+c=b+d
    and c+a=d+b
    Additive Property of Inequality
    If a<b
    then a+c<b+c
    and a–c<b–c
    If a>b
    then a+c>b+c
    and a–c>b–c
    Associative Property of Addition
    (a+b) +c=a+ (b+c)
    Associative Property of Multiplication

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