The Facts On File Algebra Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Roman Numerals – Signed Numbers CHARTS & TABLES

Roman Numerals – Signed Numbers CHARTS & TABLES

Roman Numerals (continued)
If a numeral repeats itself, the value is repeated. II is 2, or two times one. XX is 20,
or two times 10. CC is 200, or two times 100. The Roman numerals L, V, and D are
not written in a repeating sequence because LL is the same value as C (50 times 2 is
the same as 100), VV is the same as X (5 times 2 is the same as 10), and DD is the
same as M (500 times 2 is the same as 1,000).
II 2
XX 20
XXX 30
MM 2,000
MMM 3,000

If the Roman numeral has a bar above it, the value increases by 1,000. ̄V is 5,000, ̄IV

is 4,000, etc.

Signed Numbers
Absolute Value
The absolute value of a signed number is the number without the sign. For example:
|–5|= 5
|+27|= 27
Adding Signed Numbers
Adding two positives equals a positive.
Adding two negatives equals a negative.
To add a positive and negative:
a. Make both numbers absolute values
b. Subtract the smaller number from the larger number
c. Put the sign of the larger original number in front of the difference
For example:
5 + –12
a. | 5 |+|–12|
b. 12 – 5 = | 7 |
c. –7
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