CHARTS & TABLES Signed Numbers – Solid Figures
CHARTS & TABLES Signed Numbers – Solid Figures
Signed Numbers (continued)
Dividing Signed Numbers
Dividing two like signs, the quotient is positive.
Positive ÷ Positive = Positive
Negative ÷ Negative = Positive
Dividing two unlike signs, the quotient is negative.
Positive ÷ Negative = Negative
Multiplying Signed Numbers
Multiplying two like signs, the product is positive.
Positive ×Positive = Positive
Negative ×Negative = Positive
Multiplying two unlike signs, the product is negative.
Positive ×Negative = Negative
Subtracting Signed Numbers
Subtracting a signed number equals adding its opposite. For example:
4 – (–6) = 4 + 6 = 10
–3 – (–2) = –3 + 2 = –1
–9 – 7 = –9 + (–7) = –16
Solid Figures
Solid figures are very similar to their counterparts, plane figures. All solids are closed
three-dimensional shapes, many using polygons to form each face of the solid.
Sphere—all points are equidistant from the center
Paraboloid—a solid parabola
Pyramid—triangular faces on polygon base form a common vertex on top
Tetrahedron—four-sided, all faces are equilateral triangles
Hexahedron—six-sided, all faces are equal squares; a cube
Octahedron—eight-sided, all faces are equilateral triangles
Dodecahedron—12-sided, all faces are pentagons
Icosahedron—20-sided, all faces are equilateral triangles