McClymonds, J. W., and D. R. Jones. Advanced Arithmetic.Sacramento:
California State Series, 1910.
Reid, Constance. A Long W ay from Euclid.New York: Thomas Y. Crowell
Company, 1963.
Seife, Charles. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea.New York: Viking
Penguin, 2000.
Senk, Sharon L., Denisse R. Thompson, Steven S. Viktora, et al. Advanced
Algebra: The University of Chicago School Mathematics Project.Glenview,
Ill.: Scott Foresman and Company, 1990.
Shulte, Albert P., and Robert E. Peterson. Preparing to Use Algebra, Third
Edition, Teacher’s Edition.River Forest, Ill.: Laidlaw, 1984.
Taton, René, ed. History of Science: Ancient and Medieval Science.Trans. A. J.
Pomerans. New York: Basic Books, 1963.
———. History of Science: Science in the Nineteenth Century.New York:
Basic Books, 1965.
———. History of Science: Science in the Twentieth Century.New York: Basic
Books, 1964.
Whitesitt, J. Eldon. Boolean Algebra and Its Applications.Mineola, N.Y.:
Dover Publications, 1995.
Yount, Lisa. A to Z of W omen in Science and Math.New York: Facts On File,
Interactive Media and Websites
5 Numbers. Program 4—The Imaginary Number. BBC. Available on-line.
URL: Accessed
November 2, 2002.
Agnes Scott College. Biographies of Women Mathematicians. Available on-
line. URL: Accessed
November 2, 2002.
“All About Astronomy.” PBS. Available on-line. URL:
standarddeviantstv/transcript_astronomy.html#ptolemy. Accessed November
2, 2002.
Cartage: Your Compass in Learning. Available on-line. URL: http://www.cartage. Accessed November 2, 2002.
Center for Relativity, University of Texas. “Genius and Biographers: The
Fictionalization of Evariste Galois.” Available on-line. URL: Accessed November 2, 2002.
Central University of Venezuela Mathematics School. Famous Mathematicians.
Available on-line. URL:
Accessed November 2, 2002.
APPENDIX Recommended Reading and Useful Websites
APPENDIX Recommended Reading and Useful Websites