Abel, Niels Henrik 47
abscissa 3, 113
absolute value 3, 109, 145
Abu Ali al-Hasan Ibn Al-
Haytham 67, 91
abundant number 3
acute angle 3
acute triangle 3, 135
addend 3
Associative Property of 5,
Closure Property of 139
Commutative Property of
8, 139
of fractions 119–120,
of signed numbers 145
Additive Identity Property 3,
additive inverse 3
Additive Inverse Property 3,
Additive Property of Equality
3, 138
Additive Property of
Inequality 3–4, 138
adjacent angle 4
Agnesi, Maria Gaëtana 47
Ahmes papyrus 89, 101, 103
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’
algebra, origins of term 48,
Alkayami, Omar 68
altitude 4
angle(s) 4
adjacent (contiguous) 4
complementary 9
of depression 4
ofelevation 4
measurements of 124
oblique 25
obtuse 26
reflex 34
right 35
round 35
straight 39
supplementary 40
vertical 43
antecedent 4
Apollonius of Perga 48, 90
apothecaries’ weight 129
apothem 4
arc 4
measurements of 124
Archimedes of Syracuse
48–49, 90
Archytas of Tarentum 49
area 4, 109–110, 116
Argand, Jean-Robert 48, 102
Aristarchus of Samos 49, 90
arithmetic sequence 4,
arithmetic series 4
Aryabhata II 49
Associative Property of
Addition 5, 138
Associative Property of
Multiplication 5, 138
average (mean) 23
axiom (postulate) 5
Axiom of Comparison 5,
axis 5
horizontal 18
of symmetry of parabola
vertical 43
Babbage, Charles 49–50, 102
bar graph (bar chart) 5
Bari, Nina Karlovna 50
base 5
bel 5
Bernoulli, Jakob 50, 97, 100
Bernoulli, Johann 50–51, 99
Bhaskara 51
bi- 5
binary 5–6
binomial 6
Binomial Square Theorem
116, 139
Bombelli, Rafaello 51, 94
Boole, George 6, 51–52, 103
Boolean algebra 6, 112
symbols for 149
Brahmagupta 52, 91
branches of hyperbola 6
Briggs, Henry 52, 95
Brouncker, Viscount William
52, 98
Byron, Augusta Ada 71
canceling 6, 120
capacity, measurements of
124–125, 151
Cardan, Girolamo 52–53
Cartesian coordinate system
7, 113
Cartwright, Dame Mary Lucy
53, 105
Cataldi, Pietro Antonio 53, 95
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis 53
Cavalieri, Bonaventura
53–54, 95
Cayler, Arthur 54
Celsius, Anders 54, 100
Celsius scale 130
conversion into Fahrenheit
chord 7
Chrystal, George 54
circle 7, 135
area of 109, 116
circumference of 7, 116
circulating decimal 35
circumference 7, 116
Closure Property of Addition
Closure Property of
Multiplication 139
coefficient 7
leading 22
coefficient matrix 7–8
collinear 8
combining like terms 8
common denominator 8, 120
common difference 110–111
common factor 8
common (simple) fraction 8
common multiple 8
common ratio 123
Commutative Property of
Addition 8, 139
Commutative Property of
Multiplication 8, 139
comparison, axiom of 5, 139
complementary angles 9
completing the square 8–9
complex fraction 9, 120
complex number 9
composite number 9, 131
compound fraction 9, 120
compound number 9
compound quantity 9
compound statement 9
concave 9
conditional equation 9
conditional statement 9
conjecture 9
Connes, Alain 54
consecutive integers 9
consequent 10
constant 10
contiguous angle 4
continued fraction 10
continuous graph 10
converse 10
convex 10
coordinates 10, 113
Copernicus, Nicolaus 93
Cotes, Roger 54, 100
Cramer, Gabriel 54–55, 100
cross multiplication 10
cube(s) 10
difference of two 12, 117
sum of two 40, 119
cubed 10
cubic 10
cubic equation 10
cubic measurements
125–126, 150
cubic unit 10
area of 110, 116
volume of 153
Dantzig, George 55
decagon 11, 135
decibel 11
decimal(s) 11, 114
repeating (recurring) 35
decimal fraction 11
decimal point 11
Dedekind, Richard 55, 103
deficient number 11
of polynomial 11, 136
of term 114
denominator 11, 120
common 8, 120
least common 22
dependent variable 11
Descartes, René 55–56, 95,
96, 97
description method of
specification 11–12
diagonal(s) 12
in polygon 116
diameter 12
diamond 12
difference 12, 144
of two cubes 12, 117
of two squares 12, 117
dimension 12
Abel – dimension INDEX
Abel – dimension INDEX