The Facts On File Algebra Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Diophantus of Alexandria 56,
directly proportional 12
direct variation formula 12,
Dirichlet, Johann Peter Gustav
Lejeune 56–57, 102
discontinuous graph 12, 13
discrete graph 12, 13
Discriminate Theorem 12,
distance 12
measurements of
distance formula 117
Distributive Property 14, 139
Extended 16
dividend 14
of fractions 120
of real numbers 139
of signed numbers 146
divisor 14. See also
greatest common 17
dodecagon 14, 135
dodecahedron 14, 146
domain. Seereplacement set
double inequality 14

elements (members) 24
ellipses 15
empirical probability 15
empty set 15
equality (equals) 15
Additive Property of 3,
Multiplicative Property of
25, 140
Powers Property of 30,
reflexive property of 34,
Substitution Property of
symbol for 93, 94, 99
Symmetric Property of
40, 143
Transitive Property of 40,
equation(s) 15
conditional 9
cubic 10
equivalent 15

first-degree 16
fractional 17
inconsistent 20
linear 22–23, 117
literal 23
quadratic (second-degree)
32, 36
quartic 32
quintic 32–33
simultaneous 37
solving 37
third-degree 40
equidistant 15
equilateral triangle 15, 135
perimeter of 118
equivalent equations 15
Euclid of Alexandria 57, 90,
Eudoxus of Cnidus 57
Euler, Leonhard 58, 100, 101
Euler’s f(x) notation 15
evaluating expressions 15
even number 15, 132
evolution 15
exponent(s) 15–16, 115
fractional 17, 121
exponentiation 16
expression, algebraic 16
Extended Distributive
Property 16
Ezra, Rabbi Ben 67–68
factor 16
highest common 18, 121
factorial notation 115
factoring 16
Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel
58, 100
Fahrenheit scale 130
conversion into Celsius
Faltings, Gerd 58
Fefferman, Charles Louis 59
Fermat, Pierre de 59, 97
Ferrari, Lodovico 59, 93
Ferro, Scipione del 59–60
Fibonacci, Leonardo Pisano
60, 91
Fibonacci sequence 16, 92,
finite set 16
first-degree equation 16
first-degree inequality 17
Flügge-Lotz, Irmgard 60

f(x) notation 15
F.O.I.L. 17, 115
Fontana, Niccolo 82–83
Fourier, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph
fraction(s) 17, 119–122
addition of 119–120, 138
canceling of 6, 120
common (simple) 8
complex (compound) 9,
continued 10
decimal 11
division of 120
improper 20, 121
Law of 22
like 121
multiplication of 121
negative signs in 121
power of 141
proper 31, 121
subtraction of 122
fractional equation 17
fractional exponents 17, 121
Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg
function 17, 113
rounding down 35
rounding up 35–36
Fundamental Theorem of
Algebra 17, 101
Galilei, Galileo 61–62, 94,
96, 105
Galois, Evariste 62, 102
Gauss, Karl Friedrich 62–63,
101, 102
geometric sequence 123
Germain, Marie-Sophie
63–64, 101
Girard, Albert 64
Goldbach, Christian 64, 100
graph(s) 17
continuous 10
discontinuous 12, 13
discrete 12, 13
symbols for 149
gravity, rate of 119
greatest common factor 17
Gregory, James 64, 98
Harriot, Thomas 65, 94
heptagon 17, 135
Hérigone, Pierre 65

Hermite, Charles 65
hexagon 17, 135
hexahedron 18, 146
highest common factor 18,
Hipparchus 65–66, 90
histogram 18
Holywood, John de 66, 92
horizontal axis 18
horizontal line 18
Hypatia of Alexandria 66, 91
hyperbola 18, 117
branches of 6
hypotenuse 18
hypothesis 18
Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir
icosahedron 19, 146
identity 19
Identity Property 19, 140
Additive 3, 138
Multiplicative 24, 140
imaginary number 19, 132
imperfect number 19
improper fraction 20, 121
inconsistent equations 20
independent variable 20
index 20
inequality 20
Additive Property of 3–4,
double 14
first-degree 17
Multiplicative Property of
quadratic 32
Transitive Property of 143
Trichotomy Property of
inequality sign 20
infinite set 20
integer(s) 20, 132
intercept 20
interdependent event 20
intersection 21
inverse operations 21, 124
inverse-square variation 117
involution 16
irrational number 21, 132
isosceles right triangle 21,
135, 152
isosceles trapezoid 22
isosceles triangle 22, 135

INDEX Diophantus of Alexandria – isosceles triangle

INDEX Diophantus of Alexandria – isosceles triangle

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