set of 26, 34, 38, 45, the median is 36, which is the average of the
middle two values: (34 + 38) ÷ 2 = 36.
members (elements)The individual components of a SET. When listed, the
members of a set are usually enclosed within braces { }. For example,
A= {2, 4, 6, 8}. To indicate that one of these elements is a member
of the set A,we use the symbol ∈,which is read “is a member of” or
“belongs to.” So, 2 ∈A,is read 2 is a member of A.
metric systemThe international DECIMALsystem of weights and
measurements that was developed in France, using the units of
second for time, meter for length, and kilogram for weight.
minuend The number or quantity from which another number or quantity is
subtracted. For example, in 365 – 14, the minuend is 365, in 14y–x,
the minuend is 14y.
mixed number Any number consisting of both an INTEGERand a FRACTION
or DECIMAL. For example, 3^1 – 2 and 3.5 are both mixed numbers.
monomialAnyEXPRESSIONthat consists of just one TERM. For example, 2x,
3 xy^2 , or 4x^3 y^2. Expressions with more than one term are types of
multipleAny number that is divisible by another number without leaving a
REMAINDER. For example, 3 is a factor of 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24.
Each of these numbers is a multiple of 3.
multiplicandAny number that is multiplying an original number. For example,
in 3 ×4, the multiplicand is 4.
multiplicationThe process, for POSITIVE NUMBERs, of adding a number to itself
a certain number of times. For example, 3 ×4 is the same as adding
3 + 3 + 3 + 3. There are certain rules that apply when multiplying
numbers other than positive numbers, for example, multiplying by
zero, multiplying a negative and a positive, or multiplying a negative
and a negative.
Multiplicative Identity PropertyThe PRODUCTof any number multiplied by
1 is the number itself, and the SUMof any number added to zero is
the number itself. For example, 3 ×1 = 3.
GLOSSARY members – Multiplicative Identity Property
GLOSSARY members – Multiplicative Identity Property