The Facts On File Algebra Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

probabilityThe RATIOthat tells the likelihood of an event happening. If an
event is certain to happen, the probability is 1. If it is impossible, the
probability is zero. All probabilities are a ratio of zero, one, or
somewhere in between. The calculation for probability is the total
number of ways an event can occur, divided by the total possible
number of events.

productThe total obtained by multiplying numbers or quantities together.
For example, in 6 ×3 =18, the total 18 is the product; in
1 × 5 ×9 = 45, the total of 45 is the product, and in a×b=ab,
the total abis the product.

proof A series of statements using properties, definitions, and THEOREMs to
show that a mathematical statement is true because all of the
components of it are true.

proper fractionAnyFRACTIONin which the NUMERATORis smaller than
the DENOMINATOR. For example, –^12 ,– 32 ,–^34 ,–^78 ,— 165 , and so on.

proper subsetAproper subset is a SETin which all of the elements of one
set are part of another set, and the other set has additional elements
that do not belong to the SUBSET. For example, if A= {2, 4}, and
B= {2, 4, 6, 8}, then Ais a proper subset of B,because Bhas
additional elements in its set that are not included in A.This is
written as A⊂B.

pyramidA three-dimensional polyhedral with a polygonal base and triangular
faces. A typical pyramid base might be a TRIANGLEor a SQUARE, and

probability – pyramid GLOSSARY

probability – pyramid GLOSSARY

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