The Facts On File Algebra Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Euler, Leonhard (Leonard Euler) (1707–83) Swiss mathematician
noted for contributions in nearly every branch of mathematics.
Euler is considered the greatest mathematician of the 18th
century. Euler’s father, who once roomed with JOHANN
BERNOULLIat JACOB BERNOULLI’s house, taught his son
mathematics as a child. At the age of 14, Euler entered his
father’s alma mater, the University of Basel, to follow in his
footsteps and study theology. While there, he convinced
Johann Bernoulli to mentor him in mathematics, and within
three years received a master’s degree in philosophy, then gave
up theology to study mathematics. He became a prolific writer
on all major mathematical topics, publishing approximately
800 works. Analysis Infinitorum,published in 1748, covers
trigonometry as its own branch of study, analytical geometry,
and algebra, which became a basis for most algebra found in
textbooks published since. In 1755, he wrote Institutiones
Calculi Differentialis,considered to be the first “complete”
textbook on differential calculus. His massive body of work
includes algebra, differential calculus, calculus of variations,
differential geometry, topology, trigonometry, ballistics,
astronomy, shipbuilding, acoustics, elasticity, continuum
mechanics, analytical mechanics, fluid mechanics, celestial
mechanics, number theory, lunar theory, music theory,
cartography, and geology. He was responsible for the
introduction of beta functions, gamma functions, sin and cos as
functions, and the notations f(x), e, i=√−1, Σ, and the universal
acceptance of the symbol πfor PI. Half of Euler’s work was
written after he became totally blind at the age of 59 in 1771.
He amassed such a vast quantity of work that his unpublished
papers continued to be printed for 50 years after his death.

Faltings, Gerd (1954– ) German mathematician who was awarded
the Fields Medal for his work in algebraic geometry, which
was on a PROOFcalled the Mordell CONJECTURE. He also
contributed to the final proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel (1686–1736) German physicist famous
for inventing the mercury thermometer and for devising a
temperature scale with UNITs measured in degrees Fahrenheit
to determine when a liquid freezes and boils.

BIOGRAPHIES Euler – Fahrenheit

BIOGRAPHIES Euler – Fahrenheit

Leonhard Euler (Max-
Planck-Institute of Physics,
Courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè
Visual Archives)

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