The Facts On File Algebra Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EQUATIONs, in which he used a formula that was much
like the one used by Babylonians to solve QUADRATIC
EQUATIONs. GIROLAMO CARDANcalled del Ferro’s equation
“a gift from heaven.”

Fibonacci, Leonardo Pisano (Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo
Bigollo, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo Bonaccio,
Leonardo Bonacij)(1170–1250) As a boy, this Italian
traveled extensively with his father and learned, through his
travels, about “the art of the Indians’ nine symbols,” which was
the Hindu-Arabic number system we use today. Fibonacci is
most famous for his first book Liber Abbaci(Book of the
Abacusor Book of Accounting) printed by hand and published
in 1202 (printing presses were not yet invented). Written in
Latin, this book explained addition, subtraction,
MULTIPLICATION, and division, using problems as examples, in
the Hindu-Arabic number system. It was responsible for
bringing this number system with the symbol ZERO(he called
it zephirum) to Europe as a replacement for the Roman
numeral system in use at the time, which has no symbol for
zero. It also introduced the famous FIBONACCI SEQUENCE, in
which a given number is the SUMof the two numbers
immediately before it. Fibonacci wrote several other books,
including Practica Geometria,geometry problems based on
EUCLID OF ALEXANDRIA’s work, Flos,dealing with the
approximation of ROOTs, and Liber Quadratorum,on number
theory, all of which have handwritten copies still in existence.

Flügge-Lotz, Irmgard (1903–74) German mathematician and
engineer who studied differential EQUATIONs and developed
the Lotz method for determining the lifting force on an aircraft
wing. In 1961, she became the first woman professor of
engineering at Stanford University.

Fourier, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph(1768–1830) French mathematician
who left his study of the priesthood for algebra, was nearly
beheaded for speaking out during the French Revolution, and
soon thereafter came under the service of Napoleon as
scientific adviser and founder of the Cairo Institute. Fourier is
known for his work on linear inequalities, and for Fourier’s
THEOREM, regarding the roots of an algebraic EQUATION.
While working under Napoleon, Fourier developed his theory

BIOGRAPHIES Fibonacci – Fourier

BIOGRAPHIES Fibonacci – Fourier

Fourier (Courtesy of AIP
Emilio Segrè Visual Archives)

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