The Facts On File Algebra Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kantrovich, for independently developing the work of linear
programming, a method of mathematically solving the allocation
of resources. He did this work to figure out shipping schedules
for the British Merchant Shipping Mission during World War II.
As a physicist, he developed Koopmans’ Theorem in quantum
mechanics before turning to economics, supposedly because pure
mathematics was not interesting or rewarding enough.

Kovalevskaya, Sofia Vasilyevna (Sofya Krovin-Krukoskaya, Sonja
Krovin-Krukoskaya)(1850–91) Russian mathematician who
overcame prejudice against women to make substantial
contributions to the subject of mathematics. She submitted a
paper entitled “On the Rotation of a Solid Body about a Fixed
Point” to the French Academy of Science for the Prix Bordin
competition, and it became the first SOLUTIONfor a body that
was asymmetrical and in which the center was not on an AXIS.
This work resulted in winning both the competition and an
increase in prize money for its brilliance. Kov alevskaya’s
education started young. At age 11, she learned mathematics
from her bedroom walls, where lecture notes on calculus had
been pasted up as wallpaper, and she taught herself trigonometry
at the age of 14 to understand a physics book given to her family
as a gift from the author, their neighbor. Despite her father’s
attempts to prevent her from studying mathematics, because it
was interfering with her other studies and because she was a girl,
her neighbor convinced her father that she was gifted and should
be allowed to learn. After much struggle with educational
leaders because of her gender, she eventually earned a doctorate
in mathematics despite being denied permission to attend the
university, thanks to the help of KARL THEODOR WILHELM
WEIERSTRASS, whorecognized her brilliance and tutored her
privately. She was not allowed to teach at the university level,
however, and was offered only a position of teaching arithmetic
to elementary school girls. She ultimately became a professor in
Stockholm three years after winning the Prix Bordin.

Lagrange, Joseph-Louis (Giuseppe Lodovico Lagrangia)
(1736–1813) Italian mathematician who was mostly self-
taught. Lagrange is considered one of the premier
mathematicians of his century. His work was for the most part
in calculus, and his brilliance was recognized early in his

BIOGRAPHIES Kovalevskaya – Lagrange

BIOGRAPHIES Kovalevskaya – Lagrange

Joseph-Louis Lagrange
(Courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè
Visual Archives, E. Scott Barr

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