The Facts On File Algebra Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
career by LEONHARD EULER, who helped him secure a position
as a mathematics professor at the age of 19. Lagrange’s work
included calculus of variations, calculus of probabilities, fluid
mechanics, PROBABILITY, astronomy, and number theory. He is
known for using algebra in his work in mechanics and
differential calculus. He wrote an AVERAGEof one
mathematical paper a month over a 20-year period.

Laplace, Pierre-Simon(1794–1827) A French mathematician,
astronomer, and physicist, Laplace is known for his original
contributions to the sciences. Laplace’s most famous published
works involve mechanics, physics, geometry, and astronomy,
and include Exposition du systeme du monde,a collection of
five books regarding the history of astronomy and his theories
on the planetary motion, gravity, and his nebular HYPOTHESIS;
the Triaté du mécanique céleste,another five-volume set
dealing with mechanics of planetary motion with mathematical
EQUATIONs; and Théorie analytique des probabilités,two
books on functions and PROBABILITY. His revised volume of
Mécanique célesteincluded the idea of analyzing reactions
between molecules, which made a great contribution to the
field of physics.

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm(1646–1716) German scholar equally
known for his literature, philosophy, and mathematics.
Leibniz’s controversial fame surrounds SIR ISAAC NEWTONand
the invention of calculus. Leibniz started his college education
at the University of Leipzig at the age of 14, received his
bachelor’s degree at the age of 16, and then began working
toward a law degree, first earning his bachelor’s and then his
master’s four years later. He was considered a Renaissance man
despite the timing because of his in-depth interest and
knowledge in so many areas of study, and he is known to have
regularly corresponded with 600 people in his quest for
knowledge. In 1676 he became librarian and court counsel for
the Duke of Hanover, positions he held for the rest of his life.
Hewas individually responsible for being the first to introduce
the terms COORDINATEs and AXESof coordinates, and in 1694
directly influenced the creation of the Berlin Academy. The
Newton controversy involved the timing of their publications on
calculus. In question was whether Leibniz had stolen his ideas

Laplace – Leibniz BIOGRAPHIES

Laplace – Leibniz BIOGRAPHIES

Pierre-Simon Laplace
(Courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè
Visual Archives)
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