The Facts On File Algebra Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
He approximated the VALUEof piat 3.1416, calculated the length
of the year, and devised the Ptolemy Theorem used in
trigonometry, in which a QUADRILATERALis inscribed within a
CIRCLE. He also compiled a star catalogue of 1,028 stars, and
wrote several other books, including Handy Tables,for the
calculation of the positions of heavenly bodies; Analemna,which
dealt with the mathematics for the construction of a sundial; and
Planetary Hypothesis,which was written for ordinary people to
understand the heavens. He also wrote Optics,which discussed
reflection and refraction, Tetrabiblos,a series of four books on
astrology, and Geography,a series of eight books on cartography,
with the COORDINATESof approximately 8,000 different places
defined by longitude and latitude. During the mid-1400s, Latin
translations of Geographybecame such prized possessions that
owning one became a status symbol. Because Ptolemy created
his mathematics to fit to the theories of the day, instead of using
mathematics to create original theories based on the facts, many
scientists spoke out against his work. The most notable of these
was SIR ISAAC NEWTON, who called him a fraud, and declared
that Ptolemy’s work was “a crime against science and
scholarship.” Next to The Elements, written by EUCLID OF
ALEXANDRIA, the Almagestis one of the longest-lived textbooks
in history.

Pythagoras of Samos(ca. 569–475) A Greek philosopher and leader
of a secret society dedicated to religion and mathematics,
Pythagoras is often known as the “first pure mathematician,”
and as founder of a group of followers known as the
mathematikoi,whose core belief was that all reality was
mathematical. Basing their work on defining principles, the
Pythagoreans’ mathematics did not revolve around solving
specific problems, but instead focused on concepts and abstract
philosophical mathematical ideas. Pythagoras’s contributions
are in music theory, number properties, the discovery of

Rasiowa, Helena(1917–94) Polish mathematician who studied in the
underground version of the University of Warsaw after it was
closed by the Nazis in 1939. Rasiowa eventually earned her
master’s degree in 1946 from the university, and devoted her

BIOGRAPHIES Pythagoras of Samos – Rasiowa

BIOGRAPHIES Pythagoras of Samos – Rasiowa

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