5 Steps to a 5 AP Calculus AB 2019 - William Ma

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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Congratulations! You are an AP Calculus student. Not too shabby! As you know, AP
Calculus is one of the most challenging subjects in high school. You are studying math-
ematical ideas that helped change the world. Not that long ago, calculus was taught at the
graduate level. Today, smart young people like yourself study calculus in high school. Most
colleges will give you credit if you score a 3 or more on the AP Calculus exam.
So how do you do well on the AP Calculus exam? How do you get a 5? Well, you’ve
already taken the first step. You’re reading this book. The next thing you need to do is to
make sure that you understand the materials and do the practice problems. In recent years,
the AP Calculus exam has gone through many changes. For example, today the questions
no longer stress long and tedious algebraic manipulations. Instead, you are expected to be
able to solve a broad range of problems, including problems presented to you in the form
of a graph, a chart, or a word problem. For many of the questions, you are also expected to
use your calculator to find the solutions.
After having taught AP Calculus for many years and having spoken to students and other
calculus teachers, we understand some of the difficulties that students might encounter with
the AP Calculus exam. For example, some students have complained about not being able to
visualize what the question was asking and other students said that even when the solution
was given, they could not follow the steps. Under these circumstances, who wouldn’t be
frustrated? In this book, we have addressed these issues. Whenever possible, problems are
accompanied by diagrams and solutions are presented in a step-by-step manner. The graph-
ing calculator is used extensively whenever it is permitted. To make things even easier, this
book begins with a chapter that reviews precalculus. So, if you need to look up a formula,
definition, or concept in precalculus, it is right here in the book. If you’re familiar with these
concepts, you might skip this chapter and begin with Chapter 6.
So how do you get a 5 on the AP Calculus exam?

Step 1: Set up your study program by selecting one of the three study plans in Chapter 2
of this book.
Step 2: Determine your test readiness by taking the Diagnostic Exam in Chapter 3.
Step 3: Develop strategies for success by learning the test-taking techniques offered in
Chapter 4.
Step 4: Review the knowledge you need to score high by studying the subject materials in
Chapter 5 through Chapter 14.
Step 5: Build your test-taking confidence by taking the Practice Exams provided in this

As an old martial artist once said, “First you must understand. Then you must practice.”
Have fun and good luck!

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