5 Steps to a 5 AP Calculus AB 2019 - William Ma

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
MA 3972-MA-Book April 11, 2018 17:21

146 STEP 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High

  1. Iff′(x) changes from positive to negative atx=c(f′>0 forx<cand f′<0 for
    x>c), then fhas a relative maximum atc.

  2. Iff′(x) changes from negative to positive atx=c(f′<0 forx<cand f′>0 for
    x>c), then fhas a relative minimum atc.

Second Derivative Test for Relative Extrema
Letf be a continuous function at a numberc.

  1. Iff′(c)=0 andf′′(c)<0, then f(c) is a relative maximum.

  2. Iff′(c)=0 andf′′(c)>0, then f(c) is a relative minimum.

  3. Iff′(c)=0 andf′′(c) =0, then the test is inconclusive. Use the First Derivative Test.

Example 1
The graph off′, the derivative of a functionf, is shown in Figure 8.2-10. Find the relative
extrema off.



  • 2 0 3

Figure 8.2-10

Solution:(See Figure 8.2-11.)

  • 23
    incr. decr. incr.

+ – +

rel. max rel. min




Figure 8.2-11

Thus,fhas a relative maximum atx=−2, and a relative minimum atx=3.
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