5 Steps to a 5 AP Calculus AB 2019 - William Ma

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
MA 3972-MA-Book April 11, 2018 17:21

Graphs of Functions and Derivatives 171

Step 9: Sketch the graph.
(See Figure 8.8-4.)




x = 4

y = 1



  • 1

  • 4

Figure 8.8-4

  1. (a)

x 1 x 4


rel. max. rel. min.

incr. decr. incr.

f′ –


The functionfhas the largest value
(of the four choices) atx=x 1.
(See Figure 8.8-5.)

0 x 1 x



x 2 x 3 x 4

Figure 8.8-5

(b) Andfhas the smallest value atx=x 4.

x 3 +

decr. incr.



f concave

pt. of


A change of concavity occurs atx=x 3 ,
and f′(x 3 ) exists, which implies there
is a tangent to fatx=x 3. Thus, at
x=x 3 , fhas a point of inflection.
(d) The functionf′′represents the slope
of the tangent tof′. The slope of the
tangent to f′is the largest atx=x 4.

  1. (a) Since f′(x) represents the slope of the
    tangent,f′(x)=0atx=0, andx=5.
    (b) Atx=2,f has a point of inflection,
    which implies that iff′′(x) exists then
    f′′(x)=0. Since f′(x) is differentiable
    for all numbers in the domain,f′′(x)
    exists, andf′′(x)=0atx=2.
    (c) Since the functionf is concave
    downward on (2,∞),f′′<0on
    (2,∞), which implies f′is decreasing
    on (2,∞).

  2. (a) The function fis increasing on the
    intervals (−2, 1) and (3, 5) and
    decreasing on (1, 3).
    (b) The absolute maximum occurs at
    x=1, since it is a relative maximum,
    f(1)> f(−2) andf(5)< f(−2).
    Similarly, the absolute minimum
    occurs atx=3, since it is a relative
    minimum, andf(3)< f(5)< f(−2).
    (c) No point of inflection. (Note that at
    x=3,f has a cusp.)
    Note that some textbooks define a
    point of inflectionas a point where the
    concavity changes and do not require
    the existence of a tangent. In that case,
    atx=3,f has a point of inflection.
    (d) Concave upward on (3, 5) and
    concave downward on (−2, 3).
    (e) A possible graph is shown in
    Figure 8.8-6.

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