5 Steps to a 5 AP Calculus AB 2019 - William Ma

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
MA 3972-MA-Book May 7, 2018 9:18

What You Need to Know About the AP Calculus AB Exam 5

1.3 What Are the Advanced Placement Exam Grades?

Advanced Placement Exam grades are given on a 5-point scale with 5 being the highest
grade. The grades are described below:

5 Extremely Well Qualified
4 Well Qualified
3 Qualified
2 Possibly Qualified
1 No Recommendation

How Is the AP Calculus AB Exam Grade Calculated?

  • The exam has a total raw score of 108 points: 54 points for the multiple-choice questions
    in Section I and 54 points for the free-response questions for Section II.

  • Each correct answer in Section I is worth 1.2 points; there isno point deductionfor
    incorrect answers and no points are given for unanswered questions. For example, suppose
    your result in Section I is as follows:
    Correct Incorrect Unanswered
    40 5 0
    Your raw score for Section I would be:
    40 × 1. 2 = 48 .Not a bad score!

  • Each complete and correct solution for a question in Section II is worth 9 points.

  • The total raw score for both Section I and II is converted to a 5-point scale. The cut-off
    points for each grade (1---5) vary from year to year. Visit the College Board website at:
    https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/exploreap/the-rewards/exam-scores for more infor-
    mation. Below is a rough estimate of the conversion scale:

Total Raw Score Approximate AP Grade
80---108 5
65--- 79 4
50--- 64 3
36--- 49 2
0--- 35 1

Remember, these are approximate cut-off points.
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