5 Steps to a 5 AP Calculus AB 2019 - William Ma

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
MA 3972-MA-Book April 11, 2018 12:19

38 STEP 3. Develop Strategies for Success

4.1 The Multiple-Choice Questions

  • There are 45 multiple-choice questions for the AP Calculus AB exam. These questions
    are divided into Section I---Part A, which consists of 30 questions for which the use of a
    calculator is not permitted; and Section I---Part B with 15 questions, for which the use of
    a graphing calculator is allowed. The multiple-choice questions account for 50% of the
    grade for the whole test.

  • Do the easy questions first because all multiple-choice questions are worth the same
    amount of credit. You have 60 minutes for the 30 questions in Section I---Part A and
    45 minutes for the 15 questions in Section I---Part B. Do not linger on any one question.
    Time yourself accordingly.

  • There is no partial credit for multiple-choice questions, and you do not need to show
    work to receive credit for the correct answer.
    TIP • Read the question carefully. If there is a graph or a chart, look at it carefully. For example,
    be sure to know if the given graph is that off(x)orf′(x). Pay attention to the scale of
    thexandyaxes and the unit of measurement.

  • Never leave a question blank since there isno penaltyfor incorrect answers.
    TIP • If a question involves finding the derivative of a function, you must first find the deriva-
    tive, and then see if you need to do additional work to get the final answer to the question.
    For example, if a question asks for an equation of the tangent line to a curve at a given
    point, you must first find the derivative, evaluate it at the given point (which gives you
    the slope of the line), and then proceed to find an equation of the tangent line. For some
    questions, finding the derivative of a given function (or sometimes, the antiderivative), is
    only the first step to solving the problem. It is not the final answer to the question. You
    might need to do more work to get the final answer.
    STRATEGY • Sometimes, it is easier to work backward by trying each of the given choices as the final
    answer. Often, you will be able to eliminate some of the given choices quickly.

  • If a question involves decimal numbers, do not round until the final answer, and at that
    point, the final answer is usually rounded to 3 decimal places. Look at the number of
    decimal places of the answers in the given choices.

  • Trust your instincts. Usually your first approach to solving a problem is the correct one.

4.2 The Free-Response Questions

  • There are 6 free-response questions in Section II: Part A consisting of 2 questions which
    allow the use of a calculator, and Part B with 4 questions which do not permit the use of
    a calculator. The 6 free-response questions account for 50% of the grade for the whole

  • Read, read, read. Read the question carefully. Know what information is given, what
    quantity is being sought, and what additional information you need to find in order to
    answer the question.
    TIP • Always show a sufficient amount of work so that your line of reasoning is clear. This is
    particularly important in determining partial credit. In general, use complete sentences
    to explain your reasoning. Include all graphs, charts, relevant procedures, and theorems.
    Clearly indicate all the important steps that you have taken in solving the problem. A
    correct answer with insufficient work will receive minimal credit.

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