EXERCISE 4. Present perfect. (Chart 4-3)
q- Directions: When speakers use the preaent perfect, they often contract haw and has with
nouns in everyday speech. Listen to your teacher say these sentences in normal contracted
speech and practice saying them yourself. Discuss the meaning of the present perfect.
- Bob has been in Montreal since lastTuesday. ("Bob's been in... .'y
- Jane has been out of town for two days.
- The weather has been warm since the beginning of April.
- My parents have been active in politics for forty years.
- Mike has already eaten breakfast.
- My fiends have moved into a new apartment.
- My roommate has traveled a lot. She's visited many different countries.
- My aunt and uncle have lived in the same house for twenty-five years.
(a) Ipniahed my work ~LW hours ago.
(b) I haw alreadv*lfnished my work.
(c) I was in Europe lasryearlrhw years agolin
1999lin 1995 and 1999lwhm I was ten years old.
(d) I have been in Europe many timeslsmml timesla
couple of timesloncel(no mention of time).
(e) Ann rws in Miami for nvo weks.
(f) Bob has been in Miami for ~u, wekslsince
May fist.
Tor more information about dm+, see Chart 4-8, p. 102.
.,.. , .,
In (a): I tinished my work at a specific time in the
past (m hours ago).
In (b): I finished my work at an unspecified time
in the past (sometime before nm).
The swLe PAST expresses an activity that
occurred at a specific time (or times) in the past,
as in (a) and (c).
The PRES~NT PERFECT expresses an activity that
occurred at an unsoecified the (or times) in the
past, as in @) and id).
In (e): In sentences where for is used in a time
expression, the simple past expresses an activity
that began and ended in the past.
In (f): In sentences withfor or since, the present
perfect expresses an activity that began in the past
and continues to the present.
EXERCISE 5. Simple past vs. present perfect. (Chart 4-4)
Directions: Discuss the meanings of the verb tenses.
- All of the verbs in the following talk about past time, but the verb in (a) is different
from the other three verbs. What is the difference?
(a) I haw had several bicycles in my lifetime.
:- ~%;(li(b) I had a red bicycle when I was in elementary school. :; ,~, ,^8.
(c) I had a blue bicycle when I was a teenager. , , /
. , (d) I had ,,... a green. ,... bicycle r.~.., when , I lived and worked in Hong Kong.
The Present Perfect and the Past Perfect 87