- What are the diierences in the ideas the verb tenses express?
(e) I had a wonderful bicycle last year.
(0 I'we had many wonderful bicycles. - What are the diierences in the ideas the verb tenses express?
(g) Ann had a red bike for two years.
(h) Sue has had a red bike for two years. - Who is still alive, and who is dead?
(i) In his lifetime, Uncle Alex had several red bicycles.
(j) In his lifetime, Grandpa has had several red bicycles.
EXERCISE 6. Slmple past vs, present perfect. (Chart 4-4)
Direccdonc Look at the verb in italics. Is it simple past, or is it present perfect? Check the
box that describes whether the verb expresses something that happened at a specified time
in the past or at an unspecified time in the past.
IY 1. Ms. Parker has been in Tokyo many times. (-* present ,., pefect)
0 2. Ms. Parker was inTokyo last week. (+ simple past) ~.:i
0 3. I've met Ann's husband. He's a nice guy.
0 4. I met Ann's husband at a party last week.
0 5. Mr. White was in Rome three times last month. I ,..
0 6. Mr. White has been in Rome many times. .. 5. ,,,
0 7. I like to travel. I'w been in more than thirty foreign countries.
0 8. I was in Morocco in 2001.
0 9. Mary has never been in Morocco.
0 10. Mary wasn't in Morocco when I was there in 2001.
EXERCISE 7. Simple past vs. present perfect. (Chart 4-4)
Directions: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the present perfect
or the simple past.
- A. Have you ever been in Europe? ,. ,? .: x:.,! ;
B: Yes, I have. I (be) have beecl in Europe several times.
! : In fact, 1 (be) ra in Europe last year. a !.. '
' .,. :.,:. ~.
- A: Are you going to finish your work before you go to bed?
B: I Cfinish, already) have alwdy FiclishpA it. I (Fnirh) hish~d
my work two hours ago.
In informal spoken English, the simple past is sometimes used with aka&. Rncticc using the present perfect with
&a& in tbis exercise.