Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. A: Have you ever eaten at Al's Steak House?
    B: Yes, I. I (eat) there many times.
    In fact, my wife and I (ear) there last night.

  2. A: Do you and Erica want to go to the movie at the Palace Theater with us tonight?
    B: No thanks. We (see, already) it. We
    (4 it last week.

  3. A: When are you going to write your report for Mr. Goldberg?
    B: I (write, already) it. I (wr~te)
    it nvo days ago and gave it to him.

  4. A: (Anmio, haw, em) a job?
    B: Yes, he. He (haw) lots of
    part-time jobs. Last summer he (have) a job at his
    uncle's waterbed store.

  5. A: This is a good book. Would you like to read it when I'm finished?

B: Thanks, but I (read, already) it. I (reaa~

it a couple of months ago.

  1. A: What European countries (you, wkir)?
    B: I (vbit) Hungary, Germany, and Switzerland. I
    (visit) Hungary in 1998. 1 (be) in
    Germany and Switzerland in 2001.

0 EXERCISE 8. Simple past vs. present perfect. (Chart 4-4)
Directionc Ask and answer questions, using the present perfect and the simple past.
Speaker A: You are the questioner. Ask a question using the present perfect, and then
immediately follow up with a related question that prompts the use of the
simple past. Ask two or three people the same question.
Work as a class with the teacher as Speaker A or in groups with one person selected to be
the leader.
Examplo: : .. ,,. , : , "
SPBAK~R A: (... ),what countries have you been in? .,,:, ,, , .,. : .<;., , ..
SPBAKBR B: Well, I've been in Norway, and I've been in Peru.
SPBAKW A: Oh? When were you in Norway?
SPEAKER B: I was in Norway three years ago.
SPEAKER A: HOW about YOU, (... )? What countries have you been in?
SPEAKBR C: I've never been in Norway or Peru, but I've been in...... ~
mc. .. ..

me Present Perfect and the Fast Perfect 89
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