Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 12, Irregular verbs. (Chart 2-5)
Direnions: Write the simple past and the past participles.

  1. break 8. throw

  2. speak 9. blow

  3. steal 10. fly

  4. get 11. drink

  5. wear 12. sing

  6. draw 13. swim

  7. grow 14. go

0 EXERCISE 13. Practicing irregular verbs. (Charts 2-5 and 4-2 -+ 4-4)
Directions: Ask questions beginning with "Have you ever... ?" and give answers.
(Switch roles if working in pairs.)

  1. fly a private plane 8. get a package in the mail

  2. break your arm 9. steal anything

  3. draw a picture of a mountain 10. grow tomatoes
    -- 4. swim in the ocean 1 1. sing (name of a song)

  4. speak to (... ) on the phone 12. drink carrot juice
    8:,,.,, 6. wear a costume to a party - ~ 13. throw a football

  5. go to a costume party 14. blow a whistle

EXERCISE 14. Irregular verbs. (Chart 2-5)
Directim: Write the simple past and the past participles...

  1. have 8. lose

  2. make 9. sleep

  3. build 10. feel

  4. lend 11. meet

  5. send 12. sit

  6. spend 13. win

  7. leave 14. hang*

*Hanp is a regular verb (hang, had, hanged) when is mem to kill a person by puning n rope around hisher neck.
Hanp is nn irregular verb whm it refers to auspendii a thing on a wall, in a closet, on s hook, etc.
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