EXERCISE 15. Practlclng lrregular verbs. (Charts 2-5 and 4-2 - 4-5)
DirecEions: Ask questions beginning with "Have you ever... 2" and give answers.
- lose the key to your house
- meet (.. .)
- have the flu
- feel temble about something
- send a telegram
- leave your sunglasses at a restaurant
- sit on a cactus
(Switch roles ifwo&ing in pairs.)
- spend one whole day doing nothing
- lend (... ) any money
- sleep in a tent
1 1. make a birthday cake
- build sand castles
- win money at a racetrack
- hang a picture on the wall
13 EXERCISE 16. lrregular verbs. (Chart 2-5)
Directions: Write the simple past and the past participles.
- sell 9. think
- tell 10. teach
- hear 11. catch
- hold 12. cut
- feed 13. hit
- read 14. quit*
- find 15. put
- buy
*Quit can be used as n rrgulu verb in British English: pir, quined, quirud.
The Present Perfect and Me Past Perfect 93