Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 15. Practlclng lrregular verbs. (Charts 2-5 and 4-2 - 4-5)
DirecEions: Ask questions beginning with "Have you ever... 2" and give answers.

  1. lose the key to your house

  2. meet (.. .)

  3. have the flu

  4. feel temble about something

  5. send a telegram

  6. leave your sunglasses at a restaurant

  7. sit on a cactus

(Switch roles ifwo&ing in pairs.)

  1. spend one whole day doing nothing

  2. lend (... ) any money

  3. sleep in a tent

1 1. make a birthday cake

  1. build sand castles

  2. win money at a racetrack

  3. hang a picture on the wall

13 EXERCISE 16. lrregular verbs. (Chart 2-5)
Directions: Write the simple past and the past participles.

  1. sell 9. think

  2. tell 10. teach

  3. hear 11. catch

  4. hold 12. cut

  5. feed 13. hit

  6. read 14. quit*

  7. find 15. put

  8. buy

*Quit can be used as n rrgulu verb in British English: pir, quined, quirud.
The Present Perfect and Me Past Perfect 93
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