EXERCISE 17. Practlclng irregular verbs. (Charts 2-5 and 4-2 - 4-4)
Directions: Ask questions beginning with "Have you ever... ?" and give answers.
- teach a child to count to ten
- hold a newborn baby
- find any money on the sidewalk
- cut your own hair
- think about the meaning of life
- hear strange noises at night
- read Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
- feed pigeons in the park
(Switch roles if working in pairs.)
- tell a little white lie
- quit smoking
1 1. buy a refrigerator - sell a car
- hit another person with your fist
- put off doing your homework
- catch a fish
EXERCISE 18. Preview: SINCE vs. FOR. (Chart 4-5)
Directions: Complete the sentence "I have been here... ." Use since.. orfor with the given
I have been here...
- ov two months.
- stwe September.
- last year.
- two years.
- last Friday.
- 9:30.
- three days.
- the fist of January.
- almost four months.
- the beginning of the term.
- the semester started.
- a couple of hours.
- fifteen minutes.
- yesterday.
- about five weeks.