Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
additional extended-context exercises. Classroom teaching materials formerly
found in the Wrkbook are now included in this student text, with the Wrkbook
devoted solely to self-study exercises. The Wrkbook has a variety of practice ,
approaches for independent study.
A specific change in this edition of Fundamentah of English Grammar is the two
Appendices, one with phrasal verbs and one with preposition combinations. Rather
than asking students to study a whole chapter of these phrases at one time, the text
uses appendices to present them in smaller groupings for teachers to intersperse
throughout the teaching term. Another specific change is the omission of
conditional sentences, which are presented in Understanding and Using English
The accompanying Teacher's Guide is written for both experienced and
inexperienced teachers. It contains amplified grammar notes the teacher might
want to present to the class or will find useful as background information. It
outlines various ways of approaching the materials in the classroom and frequently
suggests fresh teaching ideas for individual exercises beyond the directions in the
text. It seeks to share with the teacher an understanding of the rationale behind the
text's content and approaches. Its principal purpose is to make the busy teacher's
job easier.
&I' .i , ,. ...
, Fu?z&ment& of En&h Grammar consists of. , 1,'
a Snuient Book without an answer key..
a Snrdent Book with an answer key

-. a Wbook, consisting of self-study exercises for independent work
: i,, a Chanbook, a reference book consisting of only the grammar charts
, ,. a Teacher's Guide, with teaching suggestions and additional notes on grammar, as
well as the answers .... to $e exercises. ,. ,,.
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