Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Ever since Danny (meet). Nicole, he (be, not)
able to thii about anything or anyone else. He's in love.

  1. Otto (have) a lot of problems with his car ever since he (buy)
    it. It's a lemon.

  2. A: What (you, eat) since you (get)
    up this morning?
    B: I (eat) a banana and some yogurt. That's all

  3. I'm eighteen. I have a job and am in school. My life is going okay now, but I (have)
    .. ~ ., - a miserable home life when I (be) a young

(^8) .W',<, lu':dl' 2P '=hild. Ever since I Gave) home at the age of fifteen, I (take)

. Inil.(ujn ... , <.. care of myself. I (have) some

+.I,,! ?f,9
I , - - -. -. hard times, but I (learn) ho~,fo %%I(! ?&RY own two
feet.* -.. ~
., , ...A !..,!I,! -,,:.,:, .i ,..
EXERCISE 22. SINCE vs. FOR. (Chart 4-5) -
Directions: Describe yourself, orally or in writing, using since, /or, or never with the
present perfect. E.rv.,.v u "; ,: .i ;!,:<a< )# ,:-. , , , .~~;
i^11. ,. Example: have (a particular kind of watch)
f3snc; + I've had 9 Seiko quartz watch for two years. OR
" p" + I've had my Seiko quartz watch sin= my eighteenth birthday... -. ..4
i Example: smoke cigarslcigarettesla pipe

+ I've never smoked cigarems. OR

+ I've smoked cigarettes since I wm seventeen.

..... -.

  1. know fa particular person), , , :,,. , ,... ,.. , ,. .. .. ,:. - ..lji. .. .. ,

1 il.E .I,. 2. live in (this city) r.,:,>. ,. - ., .. ., , ,t. , .>,. !.,*,,> ?P,
izlr irr 3. smdy ~~~li~h 'i, -,r ..;..I.. , , .' ,
:.. I. , ." I .%
ii.,. 4. be in this clasdat this schooUwith this company 'i... , ~ -... , ,... ..

  1. have long hairlshort hairla mustache * y:.-: .,. .~ ..

  2. wear glassedcontact lenses
    ! 7. have (a parFicular article of ciathink)

  3. be interested in (a. articular - subiectl - - ,.,,.. k.w .lid iiii, \
    9. be mamed ,!.;'.X! ..! .,. 'i^8 w,). I
    I; '!tr n it ::ir,. ',-. ..? , .,. ,: 4. :',w;ruur6 vX,A.. I. ,.. , ,t
    ! 3;:1 01 3 10. have a driver's license .::I ,,#ha. : ,. : 2 ; : ,;. J .I

*To "stand on one's own two feet" is an idiom meaning to be able to take care of onmelf and be independent.

me Resent Perfect and the Pclst Perfect 97
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