Al and Ann are in their car right now. They The PFSSENT PERFKT PROGRESSIVE tub about hcw
are driving home. It is now four o'clock. lag an activity has been in progress before now.
:a) They haw been driwing since rwo o'clock. Note: Time expressions with since, as in (a), and
3) They haw been drioing for two hours. for, as in (b), are frequently used with this tense.
They will be home soon. STATEMENT: hawlhas + been + ing
:c) HOW long haw they been driving? haveIIurs QUESTION FORM: + nrbjecr + been + -in#
:OMPARE the present pmgressive and the wesent perfect progressive.
(d) Po is sitting in class right now.
. .'>,.I.
Po is sitting at his desk in dass. He
sat down at nine o'clock. It is now
(e) Po has been sitting in dass
since nine o'clock.
(f) Po has been aitting in class for
thirty minutes.
6) INCORRBCT: I am knowinglbko.
(i) CORRECT: I hllW knoumYokoM two years.
3) INCORRBCT: I have been hnauingBko for nw,
describes an activity that is in
progress right now,-as in (d). It
does not discuss duration (length ~.
of time).
INCORRECT: fi ha6 sitting in
ch right m.
PROGRESSIVE expresses the
duratioli (length of time) of an
activity that began in the past and
is in progress right now.
INCORRECT: It, is simng in chs
sirzfe nine o'clodr. , I,(
verbs (e.g., know, like, cwn,
belag) are not used in any progressive tenses.*
In (i): With non-action verbs, the present perfect is
used with since orfor to express the duration of a
situation that began in the past and continues to the