Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
ClSE 23. Present progressive vs. present perfect progressive. (Chart 4-6)
Directions: Complete the sentences. Use the present progressive or the present perfect

  1. I (sit) alv stttc~q.. in class right now. I (sit) have beph s. tttw. here
    since one o'clock.

  2. Kate is standing at the corner. She (wait) for the bus.
    She (wait) for the bus for twenty minutes.

  3. Scott and Rebecca (talk) on the phone right now.
    .,.; ,., - They (talk) on the phone for over an hour.

  4. Right now we're in class. We (do) an exercise. We

,. (do) this exercise for a couple of minutes.
I! G9mx 5. A: You look busy right now. What (you, do)?
B: I (work) on my physics experiment. It's a long
and difficult experiment.

. - :ri dh id: HOW long &y work)
-.. -.- -,- ,- -B: - .. I started planning it last January. I (work)
3 , 0:. on :ii it Rmq s&se JEk.. ', .i f ,.... ,. ,
mrf (&I. YU ., : 'r) .&ar~wm J:.+ , ,: 8. , :
17 EXERCISE 24. present perfect progressive. (Chart 4-6)
,-- D
ecrirms: Answer the questions. Only the teacher's book is open.

  • on it?

; ,,-, ,r~ ie Example:

::::ih$ T TEACHER: Where are you living?
Te RESPONSE: I'm living in an apartment on Fourth Avenue.
.-. .-- TEACHER: HOW long have you been living there?
RESPONSE: I've been living there since last September.

  1. Right now you are sitting in class. How long have you been sitting here?

  2. When did you first begin to study English? How long have you been studying

  3. 1 began to teach English in (year). How long have I been teaching English?
    .ad a 4. I began to work at this school in (month or year). How long have I been worlring
    here? r'nI

  4. What are we doing right now? How long have we been doing it? '-"" -'

  5. (... ), I see that you wear glasses. How long have you been wearing glasses?

  6. Who drives? When did you first drive a car? How long have you been driving?

  7. Who drinks coffee? How old were you when you started to drink coffee? How long
    have you been drinking coffee?

The Present Perfect and fhe Paat Perfect 99
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