Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Asking Questions


5-1 Yeslno questions and short answers
5-2 Yeslno questions and information
5-3 Where, when, why, and what time
5-4 Questions with who, who(m), and
5-5 Spoken and written contractions with
question words -,f (1
5-6 Using what + a form of do
5-7 Using what kind of

5-8 Using which
5-9 Using whose
5-10 Using how
5-1 1 Using how oflen
5-12 Using how far .: JJ- a
5-1 3 Length of time: it + take and how
5- 14 More questions with how
5-15 Using how about and what about
5-1 6 Tag questions

EXERCISE 1. Preview: asking questions. (Chapter 5) ,... I
Diwctions: This exercise previews some of the grammar in this ch&. Create questions
that fit the given answers. Discuss question forms. 2. .;:, f.
Example: No, I. I'm allergic to them.

-t QUESTION: DOYOU like C~U?. I. !a. is.

.anri& oz.j;i ANSWER: No, I don't. I'm &gik to them. , !: -I c.

  1. Downtown.

  2. No,I

  3. Seven-thirty.

  4. no hours.

  5. Because I overslept.

  6. This one, not that one.

  7. Yes, she

  8. Mine.

  9. My cousin.

  10. Five blocks.

  11. Once a week.

  12. Answering your question.

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