Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1 e Will Rob be here? Es, he will. (Rob will be hen.)
No, he won't. (Rob won't be here.) I

YBS/NO QUESTION SHORT ANSWER (+ LONG ANSWER A yedm quadon is a question that
can be answered by yes or M.

EXERCISE 2. Short answers to yeslno questions. (Chart 5-1)
Direceions: In these dialogues, the long answer is given in varentheses. Look at the long

(a) Do you tiks tea? Es, I I. (I like tea.)

No, I don't. (I don't like tea.)

@) Did Sue call? Es, she dtd. (Sue called.)
No, she didn't. (Sue didn't call.)
(c) Have you met Al? Ya, I have. (I have met AlJ
No, I haw&. (I haven't met Al.1
(d) Is h mining? Es, it w. (It's raining.)
No. it h't. (It isn't raininn.)

answer, and then write &e aipropria;e yedno aid short answer to complete each
dialogue. Do not use a negative verb in the question.

In an atfvmative short answer (yes), a
helping verb is NOT contracted with
the subject.
In (c): INCORRECT: Ya, I'm.
In (d): INCORRHCT: Ya, it's.
In (e): INCOKRBCT: Ya, he'll.
The spoken emphasis in a short
answer is on the verb.

  1. A: Do yak kwbv bvOtCZ~v?
    B: No, I Aoh't. (I don't know your brother.)

,~ J cClu 2. A:
B: Yes, (Aspirin relieves pain.)

  1. A:
    B: No, (Snakes don't have legs.) .,: .. , .,..

  2. A: 'I

B: No, -. (Snakes can't mwe backward.)

  1. A: ,#
    B: Yes, (The United States is in North America.)

  2. A: , - i
    B: Uh-huh, (I enjoyed the movie.)

B: Huh-uh, (I won't be at home tonight.)
:., i 7. ,IL//.,,
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