Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 8. Questions wlth WHO, WHO(M), and WHAT. (Chart 5-4)
Directions: Create questions with who, who@), and what. Write "s" if the question
word is the subject. Write "0" if the question word is the object.
S s

  1. hlho ~OWS? Someone knows.
    0 0

2. hlhabd dtd YOIA ask? I asked someone.

  1. Someone knocked on the door.

  2. Sara met someone.

  3. Mike learned something.

  4. Something changed Ann's mind.

  5. Ann is talking about someone.*

EXERCISE 9. Questions wlth WHO, WHO(M), and WHAT. (Chart 5-4)
Directions: Create questions. Use who, whom, or what.

  1. A: hlhat Aid yoln see?
    B: An accident. (I saw an accident.)

  2. A.
    B: An accident. (Mary saw an accident.)



-- .- 3. A: -
I i'l 7 B: Mary. (Mary saw an accident.)

*A preposition may come at the beginning of a question in very formal English:
About whom (NOT who) h Am talking?

. In oeryday English, a preposition usually does not come at the beginning of a question.

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