- A: What kind of do you have?
B:. (Other possibb answers: 1 - A: What kind of do you like best?
B :. (Other possible answers: ) - A: What kind of is (... ) wearing?
B:. (Other possibb answers: I
EXERCISE 17. Uslng WHAT KIND OF. (Chart 5-7)
Directim: Find classmates who own the following things. Ask them questions using what
kind of.
Example: a camera
SPEAKER A: DO YOU have a camera?
SPEAKER A: What kind of camera do you have?
SPEAKER B: I have a 35-millimeter Kodak camera.
- a camera 6. a computer
- aTV 7. a watch
- a bicycle 8. a dog
- a car 9. a cell phone
- a refrigerator 10. (use your own words)
(a) TOM: May I borrow a pen from you?
ANN: Sure. I have two pens. This pen has black ink.
That pen has red ink.
Which pen do you want? OR
Whichom do you want? OR
Which do you want?
@) WE: I lie these earrings, and I like those, too.
BOB: Which (earringaIoms) are you going to buy?
SUE: I fhik I'll get these.
In (a): Ann uses which (not what) because
she wantsTom to choose.
Which is used when the speaker wants
someone to make a choice, when the speaker
is offering alternatives: this one or that one;
these or those.
Which can be used with either singular or
plural nouns.
(c) JIM: Here's a photo of my daughter's class. Which can be used to ask about people as
KIM: Very nice. Which one is your daughter? well as things.
(d) SUE: My aunt gave me some money for my birthday.
I'm going to take it with me to the mall.
BOB: What are you going to buy with it?
SUE: I haven't decided yet.
In (d):The question doesn't involve
choosing from a particular group of items, so
Bob uses what, not which.
*It the mm is "no:' aak mother question fmm rhe lisr.