Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
0 EXERCISE 18. WHICH vs. WHAT. (Chart 5-8)

Directions: Complete the questions with which or what.

  1. A: This hat comes in brown and in gray. \rJh~ch color do you think
    your husband would prefer?
    B: Gray, I thii.

  2. A: I've never been to Mrs. Hall's house. A color is it?
    B: Gray.

  3. A: I have two dictionaries. one do you want?
    B: The Arabic-English dictionary, not the English-English one.^8... ,
    , .f !,

  4. A: May I help you? '~'^1 <.. ..
    B: Please.
    A: are you looking for? ,. ,.:,
    B: An Arabic-English dictionary. , ,. .. I 2,. : .: ,.. ,,r :.
    A: Right over there in the reference section. '. :." ,I ,-I
    B: Thanks.. >... ,. :i ,I, I
    ,,I./.,, ,. i I? 1.'

  5. A: did you get on your last test?
    B: I don't want to tell you. It was an awful grade. .,, -.<I,. ..

  6. A: If I need only half an onion, half should I use and
    half should I save?
    B: Save the root half. It lasts longer. ,:!

EXERCISE 19. CH vs. WHAT. (Chart 5-8)
he ' ' ,h or what.

. ich do .I
B: That one. (I want that book.)
, 2: A: \rJhak did yok bky whe~ yoh we^+ shop pi^??
:,.$I+ B: A book. (I bought a book when I went shopping.) ., , ?,I<, > .%< *..:3.. ,t '! Ytl
3. A: Could I borrow your pen for a minute? .r>,,w
, .,.... I, ,.,..,iI' A' , ,
I 7' .. B: Sure. I have two... ,,,, , ,St .-hf>el ,&,,<,ti
.~ ~- A: That one. (I would like that one.)
, ,I, 4. A:
B: A pen. (Chris borrowed a pen from me.)
... , ...~, ! ,I I
5. A:. ,I :.! >I YV>\,!d ml
B: Two pieces of hard candy. (I have two pieces of hard candy in my hand.) Would
you like one? - - -- - -
A: Yes. Thanks. I
B :
A: The yellow one. (I'd like the yellow one.)

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