Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

0 EXERCISE 23. Asking questions. (Charts 5-1 -. 5-9)
Directions: Work in pairs.
Speaker A: Choose any one of the possible answers below and ask a question that would
produce that answer.
Speaker B: Decide which answer Speaker A has in mind and answer histher question. Pay
special attention to the form of Speaker A's question. Correct any errors.
Alternate asking questions. (First Speaker A asks a question and Speaker B answers. Next
Speaker B asks a question and Speaker A answers.)
SPEAKER A: What is Maria's favorite color?
SPEAKER B: (Speaker B reviews the list of possible answers below and chooses the
appropriate one.) Pink.
Fbssible answers:
Sure! Thanks! Probably.
Call the insurance company. The teacher's.
Next week. Not that one. The other one.
A rat. A Panasonic or a Sony.
Mr. (...I. Pink.
Answering your questions. No, a &end of mine gave them to me a few
Cheese. days ago.
Mine. Historical fiction.
Eight-thirty. Study, and then watch a movie.
Her husband. On the Internet.


(a) How did you get here?

I drove./By car.
I took a taxi./Bv taxi.
I took a bus.& bus.
I flew./Bv olane.

I took a *&n./By train.
I walked./On foot.
(b) How old are you?
(c) How tall is he?
(d) How hip is your apamnent?
(e) How sleepy are you?
(f) How hungry are you?
(g) How soon will you be ready?
(h) How well does he speak English?
(i) How pick& can you get here?

About six feet.
It has three rooms.
Very sleepy.
I'm starving.
In five minutes.
Very well.
I can get there in 30 minutes.

How has many uses. One use
of how is to ask about means
(ways) of transportation.

How is often used with
adjectives (e.g., old, b& and
adverbs (e.g., well, quickly).
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