Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 24. Using HOW. (Chart 5-10)
Directions: Create questions with how.

  1. A: HOW old is yew dawh+ev?
    B: Ten. (My daughter is ten years old.)

  2. A:
    B: Very important. (Education is very important.)

  3. A:
    B: By bus. (I get to school by bus.)

  4. A:
    B: Very, very deep. (The ocean is very, very deep.)

  5. A:
    B: By plane. (I'm going to get to Denver by plane.)

  6. A:
    B: Not very. (The test wasn't very difficult.)

  7. A:
    B: It's 29,028 feet high. (Mt. Everest is 29,028 feet high.)*

  8. A:
    B: I walked. (I walked to school today.)




Every day.
Once a week.
(a) How ofron do you go shopping? About twice a week.
Every other day or so.*
Three times a month.

@) How many times a day do you eat? Three or four.
How many times a week do you go
shopping? Two.
How many times a month do you go
to the post office? Once.

How many times a year do you take a once or


How o&n asks about

Other ways of asking how
a day
how many times

'Ewv orhw dny means "Monday yes,Tuesdsy no, Wednesday yes,Thursday no:' etc. Or so means "approximately.'

*29,028 feet = 8,848 meters.
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