Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 32. More questions with HOW. (Chart 5-14)
Direcdas: Close your books. Divide into two teams. Ask a student on the other team how to
spell the word your teacher says. (Alternatively, work in pairs, switching roles after item 9.)
Example: country
SPEAKER A: HOW do you spell "country"?
SPEAKER A: NO, that isn't right. The correct spelling is C-0-U-N-T-R-Y. OR
Yes, that's right.

  1. together

  2. purple

  3. daughter

  4. diierent 13. beginning

  5. foreign 14. intelligent

  6. studying 15. writing

  7. planned 10. bought

  8. rained 11. people

  9. neighbor 12. beautiful

  10. occasionally

  11. family

  12. Mississippi

EXERCISE 33. More questions with HOW. (Chart 5-14)

. Directions: Ask your classmates how to say these words in their native languages.

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

  3. Thank you.

  4. I love you.

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EXERCISE 34. More q"est1ons with HOW. (Chart 5-14)
Direcrions: Ask your classmates how to pronounce these words. Work in groups or as a

, ,,. A, ,. Example:

SPEAKER A: HOW do you pronounce the number 9?
SPEAKER B: (Speakm B pronounces the wd.)
SPEAKER A: Good. OR No, I don't thiik that's right.

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