EXERCISE 32. More questions with HOW. (Chart 5-14)
Direcdas: Close your books. Divide into two teams. Ask a student on the other team how to
spell the word your teacher says. (Alternatively, work in pairs, switching roles after item 9.)
Example: country
SPEAKER A: HOW do you spell "country"?
SPEAKER A: NO, that isn't right. The correct spelling is C-0-U-N-T-R-Y. OR
Yes, that's right.
- together
- purple
- daughter
- diierent 13. beginning
- foreign 14. intelligent
- studying 15. writing
- planned 10. bought
- rained 11. people
- neighbor 12. beautiful
- occasionally
- family
- Mississippi
EXERCISE 33. More questions with HOW. (Chart 5-14)
. Directions: Ask your classmates how to say these words in their native languages.
- Yes.
- No.
- Thank you.
- I love you.
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EXERCISE 34. More q"est1ons with HOW. (Chart 5-14)
Direcrions: Ask your classmates how to pronounce these words. Work in groups or as a
, ,,. A, ,. Example:
SPEAKER A: HOW do you pronounce the number 9?
SPEAKER B: (Speakm B pronounces the wd.)
SPEAKER A: Good. OR No, I don't thiik that's right.
' ,.. it.. VSTB. I)" (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
zoos Sue's shoes chews choose chose those toes doze dose
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