EXERCISE 40. Review of questlons. (Charts 5-1 -+ 5-14)
Direchns: In small groups (or by yourself), make up questions about some or all of the
following topics. What would you like to know about these topics? Share your questions
with your classmates. Maybe some of them can answer some of your questions.
Example: tigers
Questions: How long do tigers usually live? Where do they Live? What do they eat? Do
they kill and eat people? How big is a tiger? Is it bigger than a lion? Can a tiger
climb a tree? Do tigers live alone or in groups? How many tigers are there in
the world today? How many tigers were there one hundred years ago?
- world geography
- the universe
- the weather
4. dinosaurs
5. birds
6. (a topic of your own choosing)
(a) A: We need one more player. How about and what about have the same
B: How about (what about) Jack? Let's ask meaning and usage. They are used to make
him if he wants to play. suggestions or offers.
@) A: What time should we meet? How about and what about are followed by a noun
B: How about (what about) three o'clock? (or pronoun) or the -ing form of a verb.
(c) A: What should we do this afternoon? Note: How about and what about are frequently
B: How about goang to the zoo? used in informal spoken English, but are usually not
(d) A: What about asking Sally over for dinner used in writing.
next Sunday?
B: Okay. Good idea.
(e) A: I'm tired. How about you? How about you? and What about you? are used
B: Yes, I'm tired too. to ask a question that refers to the information or
(f) A: Are you hungry? question that immediately pded it. In (e): How
B: No. What about you? aboutyd = Are you tired? In (f): Whnt aboutyau) =
A: I'm a little hungry. Are you hungry?
Ditections: Complete the dialogues with your own words.
- A: UhaC tiw do YOIA wmt +0 lyppt Fov Ahwv?
B: How about the ov 6w-thie?
A: That's too late for me. How about emh+ "?
B: Okay. - A:
B: No,Tuesday's not good for me.
A: Then what about?
B: Okay. That's fine.