I Final -61-es has three different pronunciations: Isl, Id, and lad.
(b) seeds = seedd Id is the sound of "z" in "buzz." Final -8 is pronounced Id after voiced
srm = starld sounds. Examples of voiced* sounds: Id, Irl, IU, /mi, hl, and all vowel
holes = hole/z/ sounds.
laws = lnwld
(c) dishes 3 dishlad lad adds a whole syllable to a word. Fi -61-ea is pronounced lad
matches 3 matchlad after -& -ch, -s, -z, -&?elk&- munds.
classes = classlad
sizes 3 sizelad
pages = pagelad
judges = judgelad
*See Chart 2-4, p. 28, for more infomtion about voiceless and voiced sounds.
(a) seats = seatlsl
maps = maplsl
lakes = lake/d
EXERCISE 2. Pronunclotion of final 41-ES. (Chart 6-1)
Directions: Write the correct pronunciations and practice saying the words.
Id is the sound of "s" in "bus." Final 4 is pronounced la1 after voiceless
sounds. Examples of voiceless* sounds: Id, Ipl, Id.
- names = name1 r I 8. hills = hilY / 14. glasses = glass1 I
- clocks = clock/ s I 9. cars = cad I 15. prices = price/ 1
- eyes = eye/ I 10. ways = way/ / 16. prizes = prize/ I
- heads = head / 1 1. months = month1 / 17. faxes = fax/ I
- boats = boat1 I 12. eyelashes = eyelash/ I 18. bridges = bridge/ 1
- ribs = rib/ I 13. itches = itch/ 1 19. cages = cage1 /
- lips = lip/ I
EXERCISE 3. Preview: plural nouns. (Chart 6-2)
Directions: These sentences have many mistakes in the use of nouns. Underline each
noun. Write the correct plural form if necessary. Do not change any of the other words in
the sentences.
streets highways
- 1.Chicapohasbusy-and*. 5. Insect don't have nose.
2. Box have six side.
3. Big city have many problem.
4. Banana grow in hot, humid area.
6. Lamb are the offspring of sheep.
7. Library keep book on shelf.
- Parent support their child.
Nouna ond Pronouns 157