Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
9, Indonesia has several active volcano.

  1. Baboon are big monkey. They have large head and

sharp tooth. They eat leaf, root, insect, and egg.


(a) one bud two birdr
one street two streets
one rose two roses
(b) one dish two &he8
one match two mtchss
one class two classes
one box two boxes
(c) one baby two babies
one city two cities
(d) one toy two toys
one key two keys
(e) one knife two knives
one shelf two shelvss
(f) one tomato two tomcrtoos
one zoo ., two BOOS
one zero 'I two zemes/z8+08

(g) one child two children
one foot two feet
one goose two geese
one man two men
one mouse two mice
one tooth two teeth
one woman two w~11~n
two people
(h) one deer two deer
one fish two fish
one sheep two sheep
one offspring two Q&
one soecies two ~cies
(i) one bacterium two bacto*irr
one cams two cacti
one crisis two crises
one phenomenon two phenomena

To make most nouns plural, add -s.

Add -es to nouns endiing in -sh, -ch, -ss, and -x.

If a noun ends in a consonant + -y, change they to 8' and
add -es, as in (c).
If -y is preceded by a vowel, add only -s, as in (d).

If a noun ends in -fe or -f, change the endiing to -ws.
(Exceptions: beliefs, chief, roof, cuffs, dsffs.)
The plural form of nouns that end in -0 is sometimes -ws
and sometimes -0s.
-oes: wmawes,potaroes, hemer, echoes
-0s: zoos, radios, studios, pianos, solos, sopmnos, photos, auws,
-ws or -0s: zeroes zeros; mlcanoes volcaolcanos,
wrnadoes/wrnados, mosquiwesrmosquiws
Some nouns have irregular plural forms.
(Note: The singular form of people can be persun, woman,
man, child. For example, one man and one child = two

The plural form of some nouns is the same as the singular

Some nouns that English has borrowed from other
languages have foreign plurals.
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