EXERCISE 5. Subjects, verbs, and objects. (Chart 6-3) , "
Directions: Identify the subject (s) and verb (v) of each sentence. Also hd the object (0)
of the verb if the sentence has an object. i'.
S V 0
- The carpenter built a table.
s v - Birds fly.
.~lV e. ' - Cows eat grass.
C,:.-,l .:/. - My dog barked.
- The dog chased the cat.
- Most birds build nests.
- Our guests arrived.
- Teachers assign homework.
1 1. My roommate opened the window. - Jack raised his hand.
- Irene
- Steam rises.
- Accidents happen.
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is watching her sister's
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I3 EXERCISE 6. Nouns and verbs. (Charts 6-2 and 6-3)
Directions: Some words can be used both as a noun and as a verb. If the word in italics is
used as a noun, circle n. If the word in italics is used as a verb, circle v. (n. = noun and
v. = verb)
People smile when they're happy.
Mary has a nice smile when she's happy.
Emilv does good - work.
Emily and Mike wmk at the cafeterim'
People usually store milk in the refrigerator.
We went to the store to buy some milk. es^1
The child wkte her name on the wall with a crayon.
People often name their children after relatives.
Airplanes land on runways at the airport.
The ship reached land after seventeen days at sea.
I took a main from NewYork to Boston last week.
I main my dogs to sit on command. jt,
Alex visiu his aunt wery week.
Alex's aunt enjoys his visirs every week.