Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. There are four seasons. .$S;>A~ Spring and summer ,. ,. are two.. are
    fall and winter.; :.. , , ~ &; :., .' .:,.I -.. ,. ... .I >/l I. ~. ~~... .,.

  2. Spring and summer are two of the four seasons. seasons
    are fall and winter.

  3. There are many kinds of geometric figures. Some are circles.
    figures are squares. Still are rectangular.

  4. There are four geometric figures in the above drawing. One is a square.
    figures are a rectangle, a circle, and a triangle.

  5. Of the four geometric figures in the drawing, only the circle has curved lines.
    have straight lines.

  6. Birds have different eating habits. Some birds eat insects.
    a. birds get their food chiefly from plants.
    b. eat only fish.
    c. hunt small animals like mice and rabbits.
    d. buds prefer dead and rotting flesh.

  7. A: There were ten questions on the test. Seven of them were easy.
    three were really hard.
    B: Any question is easy if you know the answer. Seven of the questions were easy for
    you because you had studied for them. were hard
    because you hadn't studied for them.

  8. Many people like to get up very early in the morning. like
    to sleep until noon.

  9. A: What do you do when you're feeling lonely?
    B: I go someplace where I can be around people. Even if
    they are strangers, I feel better when there are around
    me. How about you?
    A: That doesn't work for me. For example, if I'm feeling lonely and I go to a movie
    by myself, I look at all people who are there with their
    ,. friends and family, and I start to feel even lonelier. So I my to find
    things to do to keep myself busy. If I'm busy, I don't feel lonely.

Nouns and Pronouns 185
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