Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. There are two pool at the park. One is for childs. The another is for adults only.

  2. My brother has an apple's trees orchard.

  3. The windows in our classroom is dirty.

  4. In addition to the news about the flood, I heard some others importants news this


  1. The population of my hometown in 1975 were about 50,000. Today they are more

than 150,000.

  1. I don't like my apartment. Its in a bad neighborhood. Is trash on both side of the

street. I'm going to move to other neighborhood.

  1. Every people needs an education. With a good education, people can improve they're


  1. Alice when was a child lived in a very little town in the north of Brazil. Today is a very

L I*' big city with many building and larges highways. , w


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