Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 5. Expressing ability: CAN and CAN'T. (Chart 7-2)
Directions: Interview a classmate about each item in the list below, then make a report
(written or oral) about your classmate's abilities.
Example: read pages that are upside down?
SPEAKER A: uose), can you read pages that are upside down?
SPEAKER B: Yes, I can. Here, I'll show you. OR
No, I can't. OR
I don't know. I'll try. Turn your book upside down, and I'll try to read it.

  1. speak more than two languages?

  2. play chess?

  3. drive a stick-shii car?

  4. read upside down?

  5. play any musical instrument?
    ." 6. do card tricks?
    -<. ,>>. >.

  6. oat the top of your head up and down with one hand and
    your stomach in a circular motion with the other hand
    at the same time?
    Switch roles.

  7. fold a piece of paper in half more than six times?

  8. draw well-for example, draw a picture of me?

  9. cook?

  10. walk on your hands?

  11. play tennis?

  12. program a computer?

  13. write legibly with both your right hand and your left hand?

EXERCISE 6. Expressing past ability: COULD and COULDN'T. (Chart 7-2)
Direcrions: Complete the sentences with could or couldn't and your own words.
Example: A year ago I... , but now I can.

+ A year ago I couldn't speak English well, but now I can.

  1. When I was a baby, I... , but now I can.

  2. When I was a child, I... ,but now I can't.

  3. When I was thirteen, I... , but I couldn't do that when I was three.

  4. Five years ago, I... , but now I can't.

  5. In the past, I... , but now I can.

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