EXERCISE 23. Giving advice. (Charts 7-7 and 7-8)
Directions: Discuss problems and give advice. Work in groups.
Speaker A: Think of a problem in your life or a fiend's life. Tell your classmates about
the problem and then ask them for advice.
Group: Give Speaker A some advice. Use shouldlought tolhad better.
SPEAKER A: I can't study at night because the dorm is too noisy. What should I do?
SPEAKER B: YOU ought to study at the library.
SPEAKER C: YOU shouldn't stay in your dorm room in the evening.
SPEAKER D: You'd better get some ear plugs.
7-9 Expressing necessity: have to. haw got to. must
haw to
I haw got to study tonight.
& 1
@) I'd like to go with you to the movie this
evening, but I can't. I haw to go to a
(c) Bye now! I'w got to go. My wife's waiting
for me. I'll call you later.
(d) AU passengers muut present their passports
at customs upon arrival.
(e) Do we have to bring pencils to the test?
(f) Why did he haw to Ieaw so early?
(g) I had to study last night.
@) I haw to ("hafta") go downtown today.
(i) Rita has to ("hasta") go to the bank.
(i) I've got to (L'gotta") snrdy tonight.
same meaning. They express the idea that something is
Have to is used much more frequently in everyday
speech and writing than must.
Haw got to is typically used in informal conversation,
as in (c).
Must is typically found in written instructions, as in
(d). It is usually a strong, serious, "no nonsense" word.
QrresnoNs: Haw to is usually used in questions, not
must or haw got to. Forms of do are used with
have to in questions.
The PAST form of haw to, haw got to, and must
(meaning necessity) is had to.
haw to = lhreftal OR /ha
has to = ihsestal OR ksd
(haw) got to = Igadal OR /@fa/
EXERCISE 24. HAVE TO, HAVE GOT TO, MUST, and SHOULD. (Charts 7-7 and 7-9)
Directions: Discuss the questions and the meanings of the auxiliaries.
- What are some things you have to do today? tomorrow? every day?
- What is something you had to do yesterday?
- What is something you've got to do soon?
- What is something you've got to do after class today or later tonight?
- What is something a driver must do, according to the law?
- What is something a driver should always do to be a safe driver?
- What are some things a person should do to stay healthy?
- What are some things a person must do to stay alive?