:a) Karen always
hardly ever
almost never
not ever, neve*
1-3 Frequencyadverbs
tells the truth.
:c) Do you alwrrys eat breakfast?
:d) Ann usually doesn't eat breakfast.
:e) Sue dossn't ahwys eat breakfast.
:f) CORRECT: Anna never eats meat.
:g) INCORRECT: Anna doesn't nw eat meat.
:h) - Do you ovsr take the bus to work?
-Yes, I do. I often take the bus.
:i) I don't ewer walk to work.
:j) INCORRECT: I ever walk to work.
Frequency adverbs usually occur in the middle
of a sentence and have s~ec~al oositions. as
shown in examples (a) &ougG (e) below.
The adverbs with the symbol ''y may also occu
at the beginning or end of a sentence.
I sometimes get up at 6:30.
Sometimss I get up at 6:30.
I get up at 6:30 sometimes.
The other adverbs in the list (the ones not
marked by "t") rarely occur at the beginning or
end of a sentence. Their usual position is in the
middle of a sentence.
Frequency adverbs usually come between the
subject and the simple present verb (except
main verb be).
Frequency adverbs follow be in the simple
present (am, is, are) and simple past (was, were).
In a question, frequency adverbs come directly
after the subject.
In a negative sentence, most frequency adverbs
come in front of a negative verb (except always
and ever).
Ahwys follows a negative helping verb or
negative be.
Negative adverbs (sekiom, rarely, hardy ever,
never) are NOT used with a negative verb.
Ever is used in questions about frequency, as in
(h). It means "at any time."
Eusr is also used with not, as in (i).
Ever is NOT used in statements.
EXERCISE 9. The meaning of frequency adverbs. (Chart 1-3)
Directions: Answer the questions. Discuss the meaning of the frequency adverbs.
What is something that...
- you seldom do?
- you often do before you go to bed?
- a polite person often does?
- a polite person never does?
- I frequently do in class?
- I usually don't do in class?
- you rarely eat?
- you occasionally do after class?
- drivers generally do?
- people in your country always or usually do to celebrate the NewYear?
Present Tlme 9