- Insects can cause us trouble they bite us carry diseases and eat our food.
, .-* li , 10. Insects are essential to lie on earth the plants and animals on earth could not live
.... ..
I4 ~!&' ,. without them insects may bother us but we have to share this planet with them.
,.. 11. We have to share the earth with insects because they are essential to plant and
animal life.
- Because insects are necessary to life on earth it is important to know about them.
CONNECTPIG ll~i~ WITHIN A SBKTBNCE When and connects only two words (or phrases)
within a sentence, NO COMMA is used, as in (a).
(a) NO COMMA: I saw a cat and a mouse. When and connects three or more items within a
(b) COMMAS: I saw a cat, a mouse, and a dog. sentence, COMMAS are used, as in @I.*
CONNBCTING TWO SENTENCES - When and connects two complete sentences (also
called independent clauses), a comma is usually
(c> COW I saw a cat. and vou saw a mouse. used. as in id.
I (d) PERIOD: I saw a cat. YOU sawamouse. I Wifhout and, two complete sentences are 1
(e) INCORRECT: Z saw a cat,you saw a mouse. separated A complete by sentence begins^8 period, as in (d), with NOT a capital letter; a comma.**
note that You is capitalized in (d).
*In a series of thm or more items, the comma before and is optional.
hlSO CORRECT: I Saw n Cat) P WlOllsP and 0 &g.
**A "period" (the dot used at the end of a sentence) is called a "full stop" in British English
EXERCISE 2. Connecting ideas with AND. (Chart 8-1)
Direcrions: Underline and label the words (noun, verb, adjective) connected by and. Add
commas as necessary.
- My aunt puts & and in her tea. + no commas needed
ROW 4- ROW 4- ROW - My aunt puts d, m, and lemon in her tea. + commas needed
- The river is wide and deep.
- The river is wide deep and dangerous.
- Goats and horses are farm animals.