Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Giraffes anteaters tigers and kangaroos are wild animals.

  2. The children played games sang songs and ate birthday cake.

  3. The children played games and sang songs.

  4. My mother father and grandfather went to the airport to pick up my brother and


  1. When he wants to entertain the children, my husband moos like a cow roars like a lion

and barks like a dog.

EXERCISE 3. Connecting Ideas with AND. (Chart 8-1)
Directions: Write sentences for some or all of the topics below. Use and in your sentences.
Example: three things you are afraid of

  • I'm ahid of heights, poisonous &> " snakes,. and guns.
    ++I. , ... , , ~.. ,.. 1.. '

  1. your three favorite sports. L': ' , ..~. d.,. ,.. , , "'- 'C '..
    -. three adjectives that desc$b= a person whom you admire. .,. ..

  2. four cities that you would like to visit

  3. two characteristics that describe (name of this ciry)

  4. three or more separate things you did this morning

  5. the five most important people in your life

  6. two or more things that make you happy

  7. three or more adjectives that describe the people in your country

EXERCISE 4. Punctuating with commas and periods. (Chart 8-1)
Directions: Add commas and periods where appropriate. Capitalize as necessary.

  1. The rain fell the wind blew.

+ The rain fell. The wind blew.

  1. The rain fell and the wind blew.

+ The rain fell, and the wind blew.*

  1. I talked he listened.

  2. I talked to Ryan about his school grades and he listened to me carefully.

*Sometimes the comma is omiltcd when and connects two very shorc independent clauses.
AI-W CORRBCT: nU mix fdl and rha wind bh. (NO COW)
In longer sentences, the comma is helpful - and usual.
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