- Many tourists visit my country. Warm weather all year. Many interesting landmarks.
- Because the weather in my country is warm and comfortable all year so many tourists
. 'r ,' 1
visit it in the winter.
' ...I. I,, (8. - - I like to eat raw eggs for breakfast and everybody else in my family too.
I 12. A hardware store sells tools and nails and plumbing supplies and paint and etc.*
- Because the war broke out in late September we had to cancel our October trip even
though we already had out passports visas airplane tickets and hotel reservations.
,I. ,l,, '
.. >. 14. Many of us experience stress on our jobs my job is stressful because my workplace is
;its:. ..i,dmot pleasant or comfortable it is noisy hot and dirty even though I try to do my best
'my boss is unhappy with my work and always gives me bad performance reports I
need to find another job.
- I like animals I have a little dog at home her name is Linda she is brown and white.
EXERCISE 28. Punctuating with commas and periods. (Chapter 8)
Directions: Add commas, periods, and capital letters as necessary. (There are four adverb
clauses in the following passage. Can you find and underline them?)
(1) What is the most common substance on earth? I fi isn't wood, iron, or sand.
T fie most common substance on earth is water it occupies more than seventy
percent of the earth's surface it is in lakes rivers and oceans it is in the ground and in
the air it is practically everywhere.
*Etc. is an abbrrviation of the Ladn et cetem. It means "and other things of a similar nature:' The word and is NOT
uaed in front of etc.
INCORRKCT: The farmer misos ms, shpep, goas, chickens, and etc.
INCORRBCT: Thefmme~ miser m, sheep, gom, and chickam, stc.
CORRECT: Thefmr miser coeus, sheep, gom, chirkmr, stc.
Also, mace the spelling: rz., NOT ccr.
Connecitng Ideas 245