0 EXERCISE 12. Comparatives. (Charts 9-2 and 9-3)
Directions: Choose any appropriate adjective from the list (or any adjective of your own
choosing) to make comparisons between the given items. Use the comparative form
btight flexible short
eV heavy thick
enjuyable relaxing thin
fast shallow wide and deep
- traveling by air \ traveling by bus
+ Tmveling by air is faster rhan traveling by bus.
Traveling by air is easier rhan tmveling by bus.
- a pool \ a lake i
3. an elephant's neck \ a giraffe's neck .t.
.,.. ". 4? ."
- sunlight \ moonlight.. --i,u -r ,
- iron \ wood L & ,~- ..... b.z
, ., 7@< .: i : *^8 ,~ - walking \ running , ,?> 5, , .. -7 ...
7. a river \ a stream .-. '<+. <.:.
8. rubber \ wood .. ~
9. nothing \ sitting in a garden on a quiet summer day - a butterfly's wing \ a blade of grass
0 EXERCISE 13. Comparatives. (Charts 9-2 and 9-3)
Directions: Work in pairs.
Speaker A: Ask the given question. Your book is open.
Speaker B: Answer the question. Begin your response with "Not really, but at
least... !' Your book is closed.
SPEAKER A (book open): Is the mayor of this city famous?
SPEAKER B (bwk closed): Not really, but at least helshe is more famous than I am.
Switch roles.
- Is a mouse big? 7. Is the floor clean?
- Is this room large? 8. Is a pen expensive?
- Is your desk comfortable? 9: Is this book heavy?
- Is an elephant intelligent? 10. Is blue a bright color?
- Was the last exercise easy? 11. Is (name of a city) close to (name of this city)?